Little Brown Dress

Look in my closet, and you’ll see an abyss of black. Black dresses. Black tops. Black sweaters & cardigans. I have two drawers of skirts in my chest of drawers. One contains all black skirts. See what I’m getting at here?

Not that I don’t like colors. Look in my drawer of tights, and you’ll see tons of color—they all look great with all the black I wear!

Don’t get me wrong—I love wearing a lot of black. It serves me well. Every once in awhile, though, I get brown envy. In theory, I’d like to wear brown (a little) more, but it’s a hard color to wear, because like red lipstick, finding the perfect shade of brown *anything* is really hard. I have this really adorable vintage silk scarf. It’s brown, kelly green, and tan. And it has squirrels and acorns on it! I love it, but I rarely wear it because really, I need something brown to wear it with.

So yesterday, armed with my lovely friend Noel and some birthday money, I went to Forever 21 to do some Birthday Eve shopping and what did I find? This gem of a dress:

Cute Brown Dress

It fits like a glove, and is a great dark chocolate brown. Almost black*, really, but truly the perfect shade of brown for me. I’m wearing this dress today for my birthday with the aforementioned vintage squirrel scarf, my green knee socks, and my retro brown pumps.

*Ha! That’s probably why I like it so much.

5 Responses to Little Brown Dress

  1. Michelle says:

    Happy Birthday!

  2. makeitgiveit says:

    Great dress!!! and Happy Birthday!

  3. Rad Runner says:

    You make wonderful goodies! (says the gurl with a sleeve of tattooed sweets) and as for the lots of black… Why dont you consider the dress, and shirts and skirts the accessories and the bright tights the main piece? :)

    You have to post a pic. of your bday outfit! It sounds lovely! I NEED to see this squirrel scarf you talk of!

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