Favorite Halloween Costume + A Giveaway

My first Halloween-related memory is from when I was about three or four years old. I remember my mom taking me to Fabricland, where we looked at rows of Halloween costume panels. My favorite ended up being a panel to make a blue owl costume, and I could hardly contain my excitement. I don’t know why we didn’t bring it home with us that day, but my mom said we’d come back later to get it. By the time we made it back to Fabricland a few weeks later, the blue owl panels were gone, and I had to be a pumpkin instead.

For many years after that incident, I ended up dressing up as one of three basic spooky icons for Halloween: Witch, Pumpkin, or Scarecrow. Then in 6th grade I convinced my mom to make me a Sacajewea costume*, and the year after that my best friend Tasia and I dressed up as an elderly couple** to celebrate our retirement from the trick-or-treating scene. It was our last big candy collecting hurrah, and we wanted to go out with humor and pizzazz.

I guess what I’m saying here is that I feel like I didn’t get into my Halloween costume groove until I got older. For most of my trick-or-treating adventures, I went with the basics***. By the time I was getting too old to trick-or-treat, that’s when the creative juices really started flowing on the costume front. Once I reached my 20s, my costume making abilities got even better. Some of my favorite Halloween ensembles from the past few years have been a pirate wench, a mad scientist, a flapper, and my all-time favorite, a viking.


I want to hear all about your favorite Halloween costume! To make it fun, I’ll make this into a festive giveaway. Leave a comment telling me about your favorite Halloween costume for a chance to win a Flapper Girl Vampire Bat Coffee Cozy. Your favorite costume could be from your childhood or in recent years. Homemade or store bought. Everything is game, as long as it was a costume you wore. Have a photo of you in your favorite costume you’d like to share? Even better! Email it to me for an extra chance to win.

Blue Bat Cozy BLOG

Here are two other ways to earn extra chances to win:
• Tweet this contest on Twitter
• Blog about this contest

On Monday, October 19 I will select three winners, who will each receive one Flapper Girl Vampire Bat Coffee Cozy!

*It was made out of brown velour. Ha!
** I even made us matching “I ♥ Bingo” badges.
*** Perhaps I knew nothing would compare to the awesomeness of a blue owl.

20 Responses to Favorite Halloween Costume + A Giveaway

  1. mae says:

    Ooooh I hope I win! My favorite costume in recent memory was the creepy Ringleader for a Carnivale themed party. I will totally e-mail you a picture.

  2. flappergirlcreations says:

    Mae sent in a photograph! Yay!

  3. flappergirlcreations says:

    Mae posted this on Twitter, too. Yay!

  4. Kimberly says:

    My favorite costume was when I was a teddy bear. It was one of those plastic shirt costumes, but I looked so cute with pigtails and face paint as a little kid.

  5. Kimberly says:

    I tweeted this :)
    username on twitter– kimmyxoxo

  6. Cindi says:

    Hi, What a fun giveaway prize~ My favorite costume goes back to when I
    was in third grade. I was in the school play and I was a Rosebud. My mom
    and older sister made me a darling costume from pink shades of crepe paper!
    I even hat a stem hat! We have a picture of me, standing out among my
    mom’s roses! So, not only did I wear my Rosebud costume in the play,
    but also on Halloween. Many thanks…..Cindi

  7. Cindi says:

    Again, thanks very much…..Cindi

  8. Cassie D says:

    The only time I ever dressed up was when I was like in 4th or 5th grade. My cousin and I went as referee’s and even were able to ref some of the games that we were playing that night with friends (it was at the church).

    I love the bat cozy, it’s so cute! My sister in law loved bats as a kid and I think she would get a kick out of this. Plus she drinks tea all the time.

  9. meredith says:

    Ha, in 6th grade I was Sacajawea too!! Hmmmmm, my favorite costume would have to be the sailor one I wore with you (you were Peter Pan) and my naughty girl scout one.
    These cozies are the best. Just like you!!

  10. meredith says:

    Tweeted this.

  11. Beth says:

    I totally wish that I had a picture of my favorite costume, but sadly they were lost when my parents split. I do however remember seeing the picture of me at Farrels Ice Cream Parlour in Portland as a little 4-year-old girl in my yellow duck costume. My mother had made it out of this crazy yellow shag carpet-like material. She drew details on a pair of little yellow scuba flippers and put googly eyes on top of a yellow sun visor (which were supposed to be my eyes and bill). I only vaguely remember what drove me under the table: when someone ordered the banana split at Farrels the staff would sound this loud firetruck alarm and bring it out with lots of hullabaloo, and I just remember slowly sliding down the sparkly red booth seat and under the table…like a little puddle of yellow goo. My mom told me later on that she tried for the longest time to get me to come out but I just shook my head no, so I had my ice cream under the table…in my squishy, over-stuffed duck suit. It’s a vague memory, but a fun one :)

  12. Stephanie says:

    Yah for giveaways! I’m going to share your giveaway today too. <3

  13. Stephanie says:

    My fav. halloween costume is a toss up. One year I made my own butterfly wings from wire and sheer black fabric. They were pretty much the entire length of my body and I laced them on like a corset to the back of my slip dress. Unfortunately I went to a local concert and poked everyone with the all night. yah! The last year I dressed like a housewife and went to a friend’s party, rubber gloves and all. Thought she was going to die. She grabbed my hand and dragged me around her party telling everyone to check out my costume. HA!

  14. Ashley says:

    That is such a cute cozie! My two most memorable halloween costumes were: 1) my mom sewed me a “Renaissance Princess” costume. She was up all night finishing it for me, beautiful! 2) I was a mop. yes, a mop. I “dreaded” my hair and sprayed it white. Let me see if I can muster up a picture =D

  15. Ginny says:

    I’ve been trying to find a picture but can’t locate it. I was supposed to be wonder woman. Not quite sure how my mom came about the costume, but it had a big skirt & was red, white & blue. I need that picture, lol.

    I didnt’ really look much like wonder woman but it was one of the first years my mom did dress me in a bear costume :)

  16. Jingle says:

    I dressed up as a cat one year when I was little. It wasn’t all that creative or anything – just all black with store bought ears and tail. I had my face painted with whiskers, of course, too! I was SO excited! I remember being absolutely thrilled with my wonderful costume! I thought I looked JUST like a real black cat and it was PERFECT! While the costume may not have been the best one ever, I remember it so vividly as a favorite just because of how excited I got over it!

  17. Kimberly says:

    Disappointingly I don’t have a photo but when i was about 10, I demanded a mermaid costume for Halloween which my mum duly put together a beautiful shimmering mass on the sewing machine, and I used two big scallop shells we had in the bathroom to make a bra top. It was awesome, so realistic in fact that my legs were pinioned together and i couldn’t walk. My dad had to carry me the car to the party where I flopped around on the sofa all night – I always took fancy dress a little too seriously…

  18. De'Anna says:

    How funny you were a retired couple for last hoooo-rah LOL Me and my friend (many, many moons ago) for our last… dressed up as lil’ babies..Yep even in the cloth diaper and all…we had a blast never forget it. Guess you had to be there and I sure wish I had pictures!!! (BTW we both had baby brothers at the time) in 1972 I think it was :)
    Thanks for getting me to think of it again!!

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